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Real Estate Agents & Investors
We developed the Real Estate Tax Academy (RETA) to serve you specifically! After 25+ years as a tax auditor, I saw small business owners like you lose money. RETA teaches simple tax strategies that enable you to 1) pay less tax and 2) audit-proof your business.
Divorce and Tax
Divorce can be a very traumatic experience. However, you can alleviate some anxiety when you understand the tax implications of a divorce. My course includes the tax consequences of alimony and child support, splitting and transferring property, changes in filing status, spouse relief, and the impact of community property laws.
Like-Kind Exchanges
Let’s talk about a LEGAL tax “loophole.” In this tax course, you’ll learn the tax advantages of like-kind exchanges, the requirements, and much more.
Choice of Business Entity
Unfortunately, misinformed business owners often select the wrong vehicle to organize their business. Learn the advantages, disadvantages, and tax implications of each option: Proprietorship, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies (LLC), C-Corporations and S-Corporations.
Home Business Tax Deductions
The home office deduction is one of the most misunderstood and abused deductions out there. Don’t be intimidated by the IRS’s newest changes. Learn how to legally optimize your home office deduction as we determine which method works best for you.
Small Business Tax Deductions
The surest way for your small business to make money is to pay the IRS less. Learn how to maximize business deductions. Whether your business is new or well established, this guide covers critical information including: tax, expenses, health deductions, travel, equipment, inventory, and etc.
Retirement: Social Security, Pensions, & Medicare
Wow, retirement planning can be overwhelming! Learn how to best position yourself for retirement as we consider financial stability and health coverage. The following is only a handful of what we’ll cover: retirement calculations, social security, dependent/survivor benefits, work credits, annuities, CSRS/FERS, disability, and etc.
Prepare for IRS Audit
I understand how stressful and time consuming an audit can be. Learn what to say, how to prepare, and even what to wear. Learn tricks of the trade from this former auditor. Trust me, your visit does not have to be the anxiety ridden disaster you’re fearing.
IRS Tax Resolution
Learn how you can stand up to the IRS! Many taxpayers find themselves in trouble with the IRS, but you have options. Because of the IRS’s Offer in Compromise (OIC), taxpayers have a chance at a fresh start. Settle your back taxes – often for pennies on the dollar – by learning what options are available to you.
IRS Tax Resolution – for Accountants
Learn from this former auditor how you can help your client stand up to the IRS. Learn how you can challenge clients’ tax bills, remove tax penalties, negotiate long-term payment plans, gather documentation for an audit, appeal findings, stop IRS wage and property seizures, and more.
Tax Deductions for Business Professionals
As a professional, you have a lot of expenses! Automobile, Travel, Continuing education, health deductions, and etc. In addition, you want to best position yourself for retirement, right? Learn legal, actionable, strategies to reduce your tax liability and optimize your financial future from a CPA and CFP.